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Psychology IB

PSYCH Study Guide

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Psychology Overview

Psychology Aims and Objectives IBDP

Group 3 Subject Aims IB DP

History students (and all Group 3 Individuals and Societies students) will:

  • engage in the systematic and critical study of the human experience and human behaviour; physical, economic and social environments; the history and development of social and cultural institutions

  • develop a capacity to identify, analyse critically and evaluate theories, concepts and arguments about the nature and activities of the individual and society

  • enable the student to collect, describe and analyse data used in studies of society, to test hypotheses and interpret complex data and source material

  • appreciate the way in which learning is relevant to various cultures and societies

  • develop an appreciation of diversity

  • recognise that the content and methodologies of subjects are contestable and that study involves an appreciation of uncertainty


Psych Subject Aims IB DP

IB DP Psychology students (SL and HL) will:

  • develop and apply an understanding of the biological, cognitive and sociocultural factors affecting mental processes and behaviour

  • understand diverse methods of inquiry

  • understand the importance of ethical practice in psychological research

  • ensure that ethical practices are upheld in all psychological inquiry and discussion

  • develop an awareness of how psychological research can be applied to address real-world problems and promote positive change


Psychology Assessment Objectives IB DP

Knowledge and Comprehension -- IB Psych students will demonstrate and comprehension of:

  • key terms and concepts in psychology

  • a range of psychological theories and research studies

  • the biological, cognitive and sociocultural approaches to mental processes and behaviour

  • research methods used in psychology

Application and Analysis -- Psychology students will demonstrate:

  • an ability to use examples of psychological research and psychological concepts to formulate an argument in response to a specific question

  • application and analysis of a range of psychological theories and research studies

  • application and analysis of the knowledge relevant to areas of applied psychology

  • (HL students only) they can analyse qualitative and quantitative research in psychology

Synthesis and Evaluation -- Psych IBDP students will evaluate:

  • the contribution of psychological theories to understanding human psychology

  • the contribution of research to understanding human psychology

  • the contribution of the theories and research in areas of applied psychology

  • (HL Psych only) research scenarios from a methodological and ethical perspective

Selection and Use of Skills Appropriate to Psychology -- Psych students will:

  • demonstrate the acquisition of skills required for experimental design, data collection and presentation, data analysis and the evaluation of a simple experiment while demonstrating ethical practice

  • work in a group to design a method for a simple experimental investigation, organize the investigation and record the required data for a simple experiment.

  • write a report of a simple experiment.


IB DP SL Psychology Syllabus

Core Psychology SL (110 Hours)
  • Biological approach to understanding behaviour

  • Cognitive approach to understanding behaviour

  • Sociocultural approach to understanding behaviour

  • Approaches to researching behaviour


Options for Psychology SL (20 Hours)
  • Abnormal psychology

  • Developmental psychology

  • Health psychology

  • Psychology of human relationships


Internal Assessment SL Psychology (20 Hours)
  • Experimental study


IB DP HL Psychology Syllabus

Core Psychology HL (180 Hours)
  • Biological approach to understanding behaviour

  • Cognitive approach to understanding behaviour

  • Sociocultural approach to understanding behaviour

  • Approaches to researching behaviour


Options for Psychology HL (40 Hours)
  • Abnormal psychology

  • Developmental psychology

  • Health psychology

  • Psychology of human relationships


Internal Assessment HL Psychology (20 Hours)
  • Experimental study


Assessment Outline Psychology SL

External Assessment SL (3 hours)


Paper 1 SL

Duration: 2hrs 15mins

Weighting: 50%

Total Marks: 49
Section A: Three short-answer questions on the core approaches to psychology (27 marks)
Section B: One essay from a choice of three on the biological, cognitive and sociocultural approaches to behaviour (22 marks)



Paper 2 SL

Duration: 1hr

Weighting: 25%

Total Marks: 22
One question from a choice of three


Internal Assessment SL (20 hours)

Experimental Study SL

Duration: 20hrs

Weighting: 25%

Marks: 22

This component is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course.  A report on an experimental study undertaken by the student.


Assessment Outline Psychology HL

External Assessment HL (3 hours)


Paper 1 HL

Duration: 2hrs

Weighting: 40%

Total Marks: 49
Section A: Three short-answer questions on the core approaches to psychology (27 marks)
Section B: One essay from a choice of three on the biological, cognitive and sociocultural approaches to behaviour. One, two or all of the essays will reference the additional HL topic. (22 marks)



Paper 2 HL

Duration: 2hr

Weighting: 20%

Total Marks: 44
Two questions; one from a choice of three on each of two options


Paper 3 HL

Duration: 1hr

Weighting: 20%

Total Marks: 24

Three short-answer questions from a list of six static questions on approaches to research


Internal Assessment HL (20 hours)

Experimental Study HL

Duration: 20hrs

Weighting: 20%

Marks: 22

This component is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course.  A report on an experimental study undertaken by the student.



Command Terms in IB Psychology

IB Psychology Students need to have a good understanding of the command terms.


Assessment Objective 1 IB Psychology [2 marks]

  • Describe ~ Give a detailed account.

  • Identify ~ Provide an answer from a number of possibilities.

  • Outline ~ Give a brief account or summary.


Assessment Objective 2 IB Psychology [2-4 marks]

  • Comment ~ Give a judgment based on a given statement or result of a calculation.

  • Explain ~ Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

  • Suggest ~ Propose a solution, hypothesis or other possible answer.


Assessment Objective 3 IB Psychology [4-6 marks]

  • Contrast Give an account of the differences between two (or more) items or situations.

  • Discuss Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses. 

  • Evaluate ~ Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations.

  • To what extent ~ Consider the merits or otherwise of an argument or concept. 


Assessment Objective 4 IB Psychology [8 marks]

  • Design ~ Produce a plan, simulation or model.

  • Investigate ~ Observe, study, or make a detailed and systematic examination, in order to

  • establish ~ facts and reach new conclusions.

  • Predict ~ Give an expected result.


Resources IB Psychology




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