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Information Technology in a Global Society ITGS IB

ITGS Study Guide

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ITGS Course Overview

ITGS Subject Description and Aims

Information technology in a global society is the study and evaluation of the impacts of information technology on individuals and society. ITGS explores the advantages and disadvantages of digitized information at both the local and global level. This course provides a framework for students to make informed judgments and decisions about the use of information technology within social contexts.

The aims of the Information technology in a global society are to:

  • enable students to evaluate social and ethical considerations arising from the widespread use of IT at the local and global level

  • develop an understanding of the capabilities of information technology systems and to evaluate their impact on  of stakeholders

  • enable students to apply their knowledge of existing information technology systems to various scenarios and the effects

  • encourage students to use their knowledge of information technology systems and practical IT skills to justify IT solutions


ITGS Overview

ITGS Strand 1: Social and ethical significance (40 teaching hours)

HL/SL students study:

  • Reliability and integrity

  • Security, privacy and anonymity

  • Intellectual property and authenticity

  • The digital divide and access equality

  • Surveillance

  • Globalization and cultural diversity

  • Policies, standards and protocols

  • People and machines

  • Digital citizenship

HL extension (20 teaching hours) -- Social and ethical considerations linked to the two HL extension topics and annually issued case study. 


ITGS Strand 2: Application to specified scenarios (40 teaching hours)

HL/SL students study:

  • Business and employment

  • Education and training

  • Environment

  • Health

  • Home and leisure

  • Politics and government

HL extension (35 teaching hours) -- HL students also study: -- Scenarios based on real-life situations used to address specified IT developments in the two HL extension topics and annually issued case study


ITGS Strand 3: IT systems (40 teaching hours)

HL/SL students study:

  • Hardware and software

  • Networks and internet

  • Personal and public communications

  • Multimedia/digital media

  • Databases, spreadsheets, modelling and simulations

  • Introduction to project management

HL extension (35 teaching hours) -- HL students also study:

  • IT systems in organizations

  • Robotics, artificial intelligence and expert systems

  • Information systems specific to the annually issued case study


ITGS course information was found at IBO website





External Assessment for ITGS SL (3 hours) 70%

Paper 1 (1 hour 45 minutes)
ITGS Paper 1 has five exam questions that assess strand 1, strand 2 and strand 3 of the ITGS syllabus and you will answer three of five questions on any of the SL/HL core topics.

  • Social and ethical significance

  • Application to specific scenarios

  • IT systems

Total marks 60 -- 40%

Paper 2 (1 hour 15 minutes)
ITGS Paper 2 consists of one unseen article and students will be required to write a response to this ITGS article.
Total marks 26 -- 30%


External Assessment for ITGS HL (4 hours 45 minutes) 80%


Paper 1 (2 hours 15 minutes)
Seven structured questions in three sections that assess in an integrated way the three strands of the syllabus.

  • Social and ethical significance

  • Application to specific scenarios

  • IT systems


Section A - Students answer two of three structured questions on any of the SL/HL core topics.
Section B - Students answer one of two structured questions based on topic 3.10, “IT systems in organizations”.
Section C - Students answer one of two structured questions based on topic 3.11, “Robotics, artificial intelligence and expert systems”.
Total marks 80 -- 35%


Paper 2 (1 hour 15 minutes)
This paper consists of one unseen article.
Students are required to write a response to this article.
Total marks 26 -- 20%


Paper 3 (1 hour 15 minutes)
Four questions based on a pre-seen case study.
Total marks 30 -- 25%


ITGS Exam and Assessment information was found at




Internally Assessed ITGS Project is assessed by your class teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course. 30 hours of class time is allocated to this project, however, for top marks, IB students will spend much more personal time on this project. The IA is worth 20% of your overall subject grade so wise students will make this IA ITGS Project a high priority when creating a personal homework/study schedule. Internal Assessment is worth 30 Marks and to get top marks you must meet all assessment criteria.


Internal Assessment At A Glance
Class time allocated: 30 hours
The Project: Students must develop an original IT product for a specified client and produce:

  • a cover page using prescribed format

  • an original IT product

  • documentation supporting the product

Word limit: 2,000

Marks: 30
Impact on Grade: 30%


ITGS Assessment Criteria for IA


Criterion A: Initial investigation
A client is identified and the inadequacies of the present situation are explained with cited reference to the consultation with the client.


Criterion B: Analysis
Student has listed requirements specifications and justified the proposed solution (completed in extended writing). An analysis form is used, refers to the scenario described in criterion A and includes a requirements specification that can be used to effectively evaluate the success of the IT solution and a detailed justification of why the IT solution was chosen.


Criterion C: Project schedule
The project schedule includes dates, actions, and details and a project schedule form is used and refers to the proposed IT solution identified in criterion B, providing a detailed schedule of the tasks involved in planning, designing, developing, testing and implementing the IT solution. The project schedule can be used as a basis for the development of the IT solution.


Criterion D: Product design
There are four significant components to the product design:

  • Overall structure

  • Internal structure

  • List of resources

  • List of techniques

The following information to be included as part of the product design:

  • Test plan

  • Agreement of client

The product designs for the IT solution identified in criterion B use the product design form and include sufficient detail for an IT-literate third party to see how the product was created.


Criterion E: Product development
The student demonstrates the techniques, with screenshots, that were used to develop the IT solution identified in criterion B for the client identified in criterion A and explain why they have been used. The IT solution identified in criterion B is created. The structure of the product and the choice of appropriate techniques used to develop it are explained with screenshots and sources are acknowledged.


Criterion F: Product evaluation and future product development
The student evaluates the effectiveness of the finished product, based on feedback from the client and the student recommends proposals for future improvements of the product. The product is evaluated, based on feedback from the client and the specific performance criteria identified in the requirements specification, and appropriate recommendation(s) are made for future development of the product.


Criterion G: Required elements
This criterion assesses the extent to which the four formal requirements are met.

  • The content within the product is sufficient for an IT-literate third party to reliably evaluate its effectiveness and the product functions as required.

  • The prescribed cover page is used and functions as required.

  • Appropriate file names and folder structures are used throughout the project.

  • A screencast is included with the product.



ITGS 2 Year Teacher Plan

Grade 11 ITGS Course Schedule
August >> ITGS Introduction and Outline and have a look a past paper 1 and 2
September >> Strand 1 
October >> Strand 1
November >> Strand 3
December >> ITGS Exam Prep, Exams and Exam review
January >> Strand 2.1 Business and employment 
February >> Strand 2.2 Education and training
March >> ITGS Exam Prep, Exams and Exam review
April >> Strand 2.3 Environment
May >> ITGS IA

June >> ITGS Exam Prep, Exams and Exam review


Grade 12 ITGS Course Schedule

August >> IA

September >> Strand 2.5 Home and leisure

October >> IA

November >> Strand 2.6 Politics and government

December >> ITGS Exam Prep, Exams and Exam review

January >>  ITGS Exam Prep, Exams and Exam review

February >>  ITGS Exam Prep, Exams and Exam review

March 2019 >> ITGS Exam Prep, Exams and Exam review


ITGS Internal Assessment Hours
(IA G11 - 15 hours)
(IA G12 - 15 hours)


Command Terms IBDP ITGS

To prepare for your end of year exams, you must have a solid understanding of each IB Command Term and how to respond to these terms. Think like an examiner - if an examiner asks for XXX and then XXX must be your response. The list of command terms are as follows:

Assessment Objective 1 Command Terms

  • state - give a specific name, value or brief answer without explanation or calculation. (this is an AO1 command term worth 1-2 marks)

  • identify - recognize one or more component parts or processes (this is an AO1 command term worth 1-2 marks)

  • calculate - obtain a numerical answer showing the relevant stages in the working. (this is an AO1 command term worth 1-2 marks)

Assessment Objective 2 Command Terms

  • describe - present a detailed picture of a given situation, event, pattern, process or outcome (this is an AO2 command term worth 2-4 marks)

  • outline - write a brief summary of the major aspects of the issue (this is an AO2 command term worth 2-4 marks)

  • define - give the precise meaning of a word, phrase, concept or physical quantity (this is an AO2 command term worth 2-4 marks)

Assessment Objective 3 Command Terms

  • compare and contrast - describe two situations and present the similarities and differences between them (this is an AO3 command term worth 4-6 marks)

  • construct - give an account of the differences between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout (this is an AO3 command term worth 4-6 marks)

  • distinguish - make clear the differences between two or more concepts or items (this is an AO3 command term worth 4-6 marks)

  • explain - describe clearly and give reasons for a concept, process, relationship or development (this is an AO3 command term worth 4-6 marks)

  • analyse - detailed examination of a perspective or a development (this is an AO3 command term worth 4-6 marks)

Assessment Objective 4 Command Terms

  • evaluate - make an appraisal of the concept, weigh the nature of the evidence, and identify and discuss the convincing aspects and limitations and implications (this is an AO4 command term worth 8 marks)

  • justify - give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion (this is an AO4 command term worth 8 marks)

  • formulate - express precisely and systematically the relevant concept(s) or argument(s) (this is an AO4 command term worth 12 marks)

  • discuss - a balanced discussion of a particular topic. If opinion is requested, present clearly and supported information with evidence and sound argument (this is an AO4 command term worth 8 marks)

  • to what extent? - evaluate the success or otherwise of one concept over another  (this is an AO4 command term worth 8 marks)

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